Operating in Western australia since 2012, with over 10 years of experience.

Are Batteries cost effective yet?

how do solar panels work

When will batteries be worth the money? That is the industry’s biggest question. There have been rumours about a $2000 government rebate off the purchase off your battery. Wouldn’t that be nice! When you have a solar system you get a 7c feed-in tariff, when you install a battery, say goodbye to that! So really if your trying to calculate your savings with a battery you need to understand your giving up the 7c to save the 24c so you’re only saving 17c per kwh when having a battery. Our calculations are suggesting battery payback periods are at the 10 year mark, so probably not worth it right now.

off grid solar installation Dunsborough

Useful Insights

Being on ground zero installing solar panels in Perth, we come across many different customers with questions that just don’t seem to be getting answered.

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solar energy systems Busselton

Tesla Powerwall 2

Battery storage systems are becoming more popular in 2020. The technology is brilliant and the prices are becoming affordable especially here in Perth. MaxSolar have

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